SCI Site Development: Northwood Landing

Project: Northwood Landing
Division: Site Division
Service Period: Phase I: 2020 – 2023; Phase II: 2024 Delivery
Scope: Northwood Landing is a 70-acre Lowes Food-anchored shopping center with outparcels and apartments on U.S. 501 in Pittsboro, NC. SCI was charged with grading the wooded site, installing infrastructure, paving public and private roadways, and creating certified, ready-for-sale outparcels.
Challenge: The biggest project challenge was minimizing the environmental impacts of a large site that bordered environmentally sensitive areas while moving large dirt quantities. SCI installed infrastructure to help control runoff and erosion throughout the construction process.
Reward: The most rewarding project aspect was being involved with the early development of a Chatham Park-adjacent project and laying the groundwork for a new commercial and residential asset to serve Pittsboro.