SCI Construction Academy Celebrates Inaugural Group

On August 7th, SCI hosted a ceremony for its inaugural SCI Construction Academy, where leaders from sponsoring organizations recounted stories about the students’ performance. Students received a certificate, shirt and hat to mark the occasion. SCI hired six participants to work part- or full-time, with discussions about hiring more underway.
The nine-week academy launched this summer in partnership with Central Carolina Community College (CCCC), Lee County Schools and the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), combining classroom instruction with paid, on-the-job training.
Each week, students worked in the field and classroom on construction projects and company support services. They earned a competitive hourly rate and received credit for two continuing ed college courses. Students included Rylan Beal, Carlos Fontanez-Fantuzzi, Isaac Moore, Johnny O’Connor, Luke Pilson, Andrew Quezada, Jesus Salvador, Christopher Stone, Drew Thomas, Jackson Wells and Cam West.
West said, “On one job, I learned a lot about reading blueprints and considering the layout of sewer lines. It was very interesting to look at plans and then see the progress on the jobsite.”
Eric Tillmon, ApprenticeshipNC field supervisor, helps manage NCCCS’ apprenticeships statewide. He spoke to the ceremony attendees about the academy.
“This is shaping up to be one of the better programs in the state. You have laid a great foundation. They always say it takes a village—I look at the partners here. I look at the parents. I look at the support. The foundation is here for this to be one of our model programs in the state,” says Tillmon.