SCI Bridge Construction: Fayetteville Outer Loop

SCI’s Bridge and Utility Divisions partnered with Barnhill Contracting Company on a Design-Build Contract for the Future 1-295, or Fayetteville Outer Loop in Fayetteville, NC.
In progress from January 2019 to November 2022, the project was 3.2 miles long, consisting of six new bridges and one bridge replacement. Two of the bridges were 2,300 linear feet each.
With Barnhill as prime contractor and SCI as lead structure subcontractor, the partners worked diligently on this complex project. Bridge & Heavy Construction Vice President Chris Brown says, “Barnhill and SCI have a longstanding relationship. Together, we deliver successful design build projects and bid build projects to the NCDOT.”
Brown points to the sheer magnitude of the bridge construction as the project’s biggest challenge but says, “The most rewarding part was working with a true partner in Barnhill and seeing the growth of SCI team members in meeting this challenge.”