Leadership Moment: Importance of Communication

Communication is important in every aspect of our lives, whether we’re communicating with our family, friends, or coworkers.
Communication shows respect. On the job, every member of your team deserves to know what is going on, not only what you expect but why you have those expectations. When supervisors explain the reasons for their direction rather than simply blurting out commands, teamwork improves.
Communication enhances understanding. A major piece of successful communication involves asking questions. If you don’t understand a request or you’d like more information about the reason behind a task, ask the person who gave the direction. As understanding improves, so does cooperation and job satisfaction.
Communication builds community. There is a difference between communicating and complaining. Communication builds whereas complaining divides. You likely won’t enjoy every task you’ve been assigned, but complaining to your supervisor or coworkers will only create tension. Instead, share an idea you believe could make the task better or more productive. You may be able to make a positive change or at least better understand why something is set up the way it is. Either way, you’re working toward a collaborative community.
Communication is so important to us at SCI, our leadership team has developed a simple tool to help our teams communicate better: The PLAN.
PLAN stands for Project overview, Layout for today, Assess safety hazards, and News for the team. Each crew begins each workday with a morning PLAN meeting to ensure every team member is informed and prepared to tackle the day’s projects.