Richard Oldham Appointed Chair of Sanford Area Growth Alliance

As his first act as incoming chair, Richard concluded the most recent SAGA Annual Meeting by expressing gratitude to attendees for their commitment to the future of our community and excitement for all that is to come in 2025.
The new year ushers in a fresh leader for the Sanford Area Growth Alliance (SAGA) Board. Richard Oldham, Senior Vice President of Sanford Contractors, has been appointed as the new SAGA Board Chair and will serve a two-year term.
SAGA is a public-private partnership and merger of the Lee County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and Sanford Area Chamber of Commerce. The organization’s mission is to expand and diversify the economic base of Lee County through comprehensive economic development by supporting existing businesses and encouraging new business recruitment.
The partnership between Sanford Contractors and SAGA is a storied one, dating back to the founding board, which was chaired by SCI President Donnie Oldham. Sanford Contractors remains committed to being an active participant in community investment and growth.

Scenes from the SAGA Annual Meeting. Sanford Contractors proudly sponsored this impactful event – the most highly attended in Annual Meeting history!
Photo Credits:
Campbell Wheby, Sanford Area Growth Alliance
Mark Rogers, Sanford Herald